March 2, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! 3/2/11

So, I'm currently typing at WARP speed to get this posted before WEDNESDAY officially is over here on the East coast. So...on to what I'm loving...

1. I'm Loving my NEWLY re-dyed hair, I usually get it dyed a brown-goldish tone, but this time I went with a brownish-red (auburn) color!

2. I'm also loving my NEW Blackberry, I feel so important when I have phone calls and text messages on my Berry! Lol. .

3. I'm REALLY loving that me an my girls are gonna take a little mini-roadtrip down to Savannah, GA for the St. Patricks day festival/parade/event! We said we're gonna "pee green" which we can't do since we're underage! Lol! But hey, we can dream!

4. I'm also really loving all the cute things that I got from Charleston's NEW Forever 21! I've been wanting to go since it opened but I knew for the first whole month it was crazy packed. So I waited until Monday and I went with one of my best friends Kee and got 15 things for about $90! It wasn't even packed, but I did get a $14.00 parking citation:( I was so concerned with my bad parallel parking that I didn't even notice the parking meter...oops! :(

5. I'm also loving THREE very cool giveaways from 3 very nice ladies!

And i think this is about all I'm loving today....

OH YEAH! And our new Wii!
Now that's all! :)

p.s. whoo-hoo I made it before "Thursday" with 7 minutes to spare! (its 11:53pm in case you were wondering)


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